We Will Remember
Memorial Dog Tag Project
501c3 non-profit
The sacrifice made by those who chose to protect our freedom will not be forgotten. Every life matters and every name will be remembered.

After looking at pictures from WW2 in 2020, I asked my mom how old the people were that died for our country. They didn't look that much older than me ( I was 12). So many of them didn't get a chance come home, finish growing up, get married and have a full life. I wanted to do something to make sure that they were remembered so I saved up money from chores for a few years to start the #wewillremember project. I am making dog tags from the information of those who died during our country's wars from the National Archives and am asking people to carry the tag or put it someplace that they can see it. That way someone is saying the servicemember's name, praying for them or just being actively thankful for the gift that they gave all of us with their service and sacrifice.
More than 95,000 dog tags (all of the tags from the Korean War, Beirut Bombing
and the Vietnam War) have been finished but there are still many more to go. The tags are provided for free. 100% of the costs are covered by my chore money and sponsorships and donations from amazing people and groups that want to help my mission move forward.
The dog tags are provided for free but the requester pays for shipping. The requester will receive the next tag up for adoption, not a specifically requested name. If a specific name is desired, please order through the custom tags link.
If you would like to help find homes for a large group of dog tags and can be ordered in the shop section of the site, please email me at connor@wewillremember.us. Requests for more than 10 tags will not be fulfilled through the website.
If you request a tag, please know that this is the only tag with that servicemember's name on it. Please consider this "adopting" the tag and the servicemember.
Tags from the Vietnam War are currently being adopted and we are hard at work formatting the information from World War II. All of the records from the National Archives are scanned pages, so we are manually transferring this information into a digital format so that we can use it to make memorial tags.
If you are interested in helping support We Will Remember, you can donate through facebook:
Or Square
Or Paypal
Or Venmo
We Will Remember
501c3 Non-profit